About Helen's Bay Tennis Club
Helen's Bay Tennis Club welcomes players of all ages and standards.
Club sessions (when all members can come along and join in) for adults are on:
- Saturday afternoons 2 - 4pm, all year round
- Wednesday evenings 6.30pm, from April to end of September
- Wednesday afternoons 2.30 - 4pm, from October to March
Junior Club Sessions are held on Saturday mornings, from Easter to September.
We arrange coaching for juniors and adults. Coaching is given by Rosemary Masefield and by the North Down Tennis Academy, run by Michael Heaslip. A number of teams are entered into the Belfast and District Leagues, and a variety of tournaments are held throughout the year.
An Adult coaching group is run by Rosemary Masefield on Monday evenings from April until the end of September. A number of teams are entered into the Belfast and District Leagues, and a variety of friendly matches tournaments are held throughout the year.
We have two courts available. Please, come along to one of our sessions to see what happens, search this website, or email us for more information.
Helen's Bay Tennis Club is affiliated to Ulster Branch Tennis Ireland. You can see their latest news, and sign up for their newsletter by visiting their website at www.ulstertennis.co.uk.