PTR tennis coaches
Andy Strain and Rosemary Masefield are available for individual and group private coaching.
Andy Strain is Head of Junior Development.
He has taken over the North Down Tennis Academy brand, its email
Rosemary can be contacted on 9185-3339, or email
General Club Coaching
Adult and Junior Coaching
Andy Strain is Head of Junior Development, please see below for coaching details.
PTR tennis coaches: Andy Strain, Rosemary Masefield are available for individual and group private coaching.
HBTC is excited to welcome Andy Strain as Coach and Head of Junior Development. He has taken over the North Down Tennis Academy brand, its email
Andy has over 12 years coaching experience including in Melbourne, Australia. He now coaches at Rockport and other local schools and is really looking forward to this new challenge. Saturday morning junior coaching starts on Saturday 15 May, and Andy plans to run summer schemes during the holidays. To find out more about the classes and for any questions please contact Andy as above.
Rosemary can be contacted on 91853339 or email
Junior Tennis Coaching
HBTC is excited to welcome Andy Strain as Coach and Head of Junior Development. He has taken over the North Down Tennis Academy brand, its email
Andy has over 12 years coaching experience including in Melbourne, Australia. He now coaches at Rockport and other local schools and is really looking forward to this new challenge. Saturday morning junior coaching starts on Saturday 15 May, and Andy plans to run summer schemes during the holidays. To find out more about the classes and for any questions please contact Andy as above.
Coaching for 11-15 yr olds
See below 'General Information' for current group coaching sessions and 'Juniors' page for Saturday morning Junior Club
HBTC is excited to welcome Andy Strain as Coach and Head of Junior Development. He has taken over the North Down Tennis Academy brand, its email
Andy has over 12 years coaching experience including in Melbourne, Australia. He now coaches at Rockport and other local schools and is really looking forward to this new challenge. Saturday morning junior coaching starts on Saturday 15 May, and Andy plans to run summer schemes during the holidays. To find out more about the classes and for any questions please contact Andy as above.
General Information
For those attending coaching and Junior Club sessions:
- We do not always have access to the clubhouse during these times, and so it's important that everyone brings a drink and suitable clothing, as it can get cold or rain unexpectedly.
- In hot weather, children should wear sunscreen and hats.
- Appropriate clothing and trainers should be worn at all times.
- We have a number of small racquets to lend younger children, if necessary.
- Please try to be on time for every session.
- We cannot be responsible for children outside their tennis sessions.
- If a child is to make their own way home, we need to know this, otherwise please try to be on time to collect them.
- Parents are asked to remain on site during coaching sessions.
The Tennis Club has a code of conduct, and everyone involved is asked to sign up to it before children and young people are left. The Club Children's Officers are Stephen Leach (07980 742513) and Fiona Gouk (07762 903489).
Monday Adult Coaching
Rosemary Masefield's Adult Coaching Group is on Mondays at 6.30pm (May – until end Sept). If you're thinking of getting back to tennis after a break, this is the place to start. It's £5 a time for members, £6 for non members. Contact Rosemary by email (via our Contact Us Page) if you're interested in joining the group or to confirm times.